Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'll be starting up again soon

I'm leaving for Bangkok 2 days early. Our company has implemented a policy that anyone flying into Thailand from another country must be in quarantine for 7 days. Swine Flu scare.
So I'm wanting to get that over with soon and get on target for my project. I'll do my best to keep this site going again. I'm not sure what new pics I can post, but I'll try to find some. At least I'll keep up a text blog.

Funny thing is, I can go anywhere I want in the city - even meet with my Thai associates. I just can't go to the office.

Do you think there is too much overkill regarding Swine Flu?

Not for me to decide. It is what it is and I'll have to deal with it.

With all I have to accomplish on this trip a 7 day delay is a bummer.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've gone commercial

Ok - I'm sorry. But I'm thinking for those of you who read this blog, clicking a few links will earn me money that I can use to buy you gifts for when I return from Bangkok. Unfortunately, I don't know who clicks what. Consider it a "community effort". Any bit of money I earn from this will go into gifts for my family and friends when I return.

The plan currently stands. I depart on May 14th and return on December 18th.