Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lunch at Tha Jin

After visiting the National Buddhist Center we headed out to have a quick "pre-lunch" at Tha Jin which means Chinese Port.

Here we are eating a meal along theMaeKlong River.

This meal was meant to hold us over until we had the real deal meal at an associate's parents country home in Kanchanaburi Province. Home of The Bridge on the River Kwai

I had the duck with noodles

While we were eating along came a man in a boat selling Jack Fruit and limes.

National Buddhist Center

Quite a place. It is actually a very large park which is kept immaculate.
The sky was overcast which kept the temperature comfortable.
Enjoy the pics

A smaller image of The Buddha was set before the large "Standing Buddha". This seems quite common in Wats (Temples)... having multiple images of The Buddha

The two associates who took me to this place paused to make merit.

The gardens and large Bonsai were incredible.

A large Dharmachakra - Wheel of life, symbol of Buddhist belief in the cycle of birth, death, rebirth, death..... until one is enlightened and is freed from this cycle.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trip being cut short

This is a notification that this intended 7 month trip was recently reduced to 3 months and as of last Friday it has been decided this trip need only be 1 month. Thanks to my team here in Bangkok, our efforts to transition the organization into a self-reliant team is going quite well. So, with a need to save monies my company has asked that we cut this trip short. I have mixed emotions about this. I don't enjoy being away from home but was willing to make a long term investment with the understanding that my company would fly my wife here for a visit. She can't come now due to her own employment responsibilities. So we will have to forego her trip. However, I will be home early. Trust that is some consolation for her.

Also, I believe this will be my last trip to Bangkok. I am being asked to move into a different position at my company. In a way I am sad, but also I understand life is a series of closing chapters and opening new ones. So we will see what is in store after this chapter.

I have enjoyed keeping this blog for my family. And to all others who have been reading along, I trust it has been informative. and entertaining.

I will keep this blog going for as long as I am in Bangkok. Then I will stop posting. I will not delete the blog, but there will be one final closing entry.

This was not my first blog about my overseas trips. There is another: It covers my "round the world" trip last year to Israel, India and Thailand. It is still available for reading. It has pics that some of you might enjoy.

And I have one more blog "Recipes I Enjoy". This blog is in desperate need of attention. So, perhaps I'll get back to it, demonstrating how to prepare the 28 Thai dishes I learned from BaiPai Thai Cooking School.

Thank you all for reading.


Nippon Kai

Another great place to eat, and also at Emporium, one floor below The Kiosk, is Nippon Kai.

The waitress coming down the aisle is my "usual". Before I left in March, she asked me to bring her back a souvenir from Kansas City. I forgot and she forgot to ask. Whew !!!

This place is always packed. And I mentioned I live in the Japanese Town of Bangkok. So when I see a lot of Japanese people eating at a resturant, I know its got to be good. And it is.

Nothing better then Japanese food with a view. Ok, maybe Thai or Vietnamese with a view or...

I'm writing this at 2AM and already I'm planning what to eat for lunch today (Sunday), after my 10:30AM haircut.

<-- Building with the umbrellas is our office. We have a patio on the 6th floor just off the cafeteria. My work area is on the 7th floor facing back to Emporium.

Saturday's lunch was Teriayki Beef. Dinner was Burger King.

Fast food and resturant food is cheaper here than in KC, so I'm still saving $ even though I'm not eating $1.50 dinners off the street. The potential purchase of medication after a "street meal" raises the price a bit.