Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trip being cut short

This is a notification that this intended 7 month trip was recently reduced to 3 months and as of last Friday it has been decided this trip need only be 1 month. Thanks to my team here in Bangkok, our efforts to transition the organization into a self-reliant team is going quite well. So, with a need to save monies my company has asked that we cut this trip short. I have mixed emotions about this. I don't enjoy being away from home but was willing to make a long term investment with the understanding that my company would fly my wife here for a visit. She can't come now due to her own employment responsibilities. So we will have to forego her trip. However, I will be home early. Trust that is some consolation for her.

Also, I believe this will be my last trip to Bangkok. I am being asked to move into a different position at my company. In a way I am sad, but also I understand life is a series of closing chapters and opening new ones. So we will see what is in store after this chapter.

I have enjoyed keeping this blog for my family. And to all others who have been reading along, I trust it has been informative. and entertaining.

I will keep this blog going for as long as I am in Bangkok. Then I will stop posting. I will not delete the blog, but there will be one final closing entry.

This was not my first blog about my overseas trips. There is another: It covers my "round the world" trip last year to Israel, India and Thailand. It is still available for reading. It has pics that some of you might enjoy.

And I have one more blog "Recipes I Enjoy". This blog is in desperate need of attention. So, perhaps I'll get back to it, demonstrating how to prepare the 28 Thai dishes I learned from BaiPai Thai Cooking School.

Thank you all for reading.


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