Saturday, February 7, 2009

I had to come 1/2 way around the world to see this one...

I run a "G" rated Blog - but some questionable situations - even those that are over the edge - are at times too funny to ignore. Besides once I see the humor in those moments all I remember is the laugh.

My apologies in advance - and now that I have your curiosity......

The pic you see was taken at Emporium which is an upscale department/apartment complex, located across the street from my serviced apartment. I was looking for shaving cream and saw this display of designer toiletries. At first I thought it was another example of Thais stretching English. Like the clothing store named "Previously Loved". But this is such an example of bad English in so many ways. I was amazed and also laughing when I thought of all the possibilities the consumer might have from buying and using these products.

I came back to my apartment, did some research and discovered that this is indeed a company - British even - " French Connection UK". It has been around for years. I've never seen it in Kansas City - go figure, but it's been in San Fran and other US cities for quite sometime. This may be old news to some of my readers. I then grabbed my camera, went back to the store and shot this photo. I kept thinking of all the opportunities with this Brand. Even ordering more stock. "Yes... I would like a Cluster of......"

My Friday nights are fairly open. Only one regular conference call back to KC - and at a decent hour 8 PM. Earlier this week I was having conference calls starting at 8PM and lasting until after Midnight. One night it was followed by another call at 5 AM the next morning. Hopefully that will be rare. Wed nights I have a regular call from 10-11PM my time and on Thursdays a regular call starting at 10:15 PM until Midnight. At least for 5 weeks. I only have 7 more to go, so maybe my last two I can get some sleep.

People in the KC office think I don't sleep. They don't know I talk in my sleep.

I'm still finding ways to try to use the Thai that I've learned. I only made one mistake today. I asked the Taxi driver if he sold Eggs instead of giving him a street address. We both a good laugh - he at me. I shut my Thai up after that.

I need to run. The "Iron Maiden" (washer/dryer combo unit in my apartment) is beeping. It has been 5.5 hrs. since I fed her 5 white shorts and 1 pair of white socks. 5. 5 hrs to wash and dry. I bet they are still damp. Good thing this is a 3 day weekend. I have 5 pair of dark socks to wash and have dry by Tuesday AM.


  1. ok that is way too funny! You need to bring some of that home!! and by the way I DID NOT need a mental image of your whitey-tidies!! Get some colors!! :)

  2. You gave me an idea. I do have 2 black pair. That would cut down my weekly laundry to only one 5.5 hr. cycle. But it would mean I'd have to wear the 2 pair 3.5 days each per week. The only image worse than that, would be thongs. And once again I'm crossing the line on my "G" rated blog.

    Thanks L'Sis for the possibilities.

    Oh yea, my shirts and slacks? Those I send out - but even they take 2 full days. I wonder if they take them out and beat them on the sides of rocks along the many Klongs here in Bangkok?

  3. Please no thongs!! and no speedo's either!! You now Tommy Hilfiger makes pretty red ones!!Katie is horseback riding with the Girl Scouts today..I'm sure she will come home smelling wonderful and very muddy as the snow and ice are melting at rapid speeds.
