Friday, May 29, 2009

Tip Top

The team here has a few favorite resturants. One that seems very popular is called Tip Tip. It is directly across the street (The big street - Sukhumvit) from our office.

Getting there is a challenge. Cars in Bangkok not only run both ways, they run all ways.

The tall building in the background is Emporium. We are looking at the front side. My apartment is on the other side of the tall building. Not far by our standards, but can be far by Bangkok heat standards.

But some have a more difficult time to cross than we do.

Today it was just Muay, Piyanud and myself.

The food at Tip Top is always delicious and always inexpensive. Each dish is prepared from scratch when you order. So sometimes some dishes take longer to prepare. My Thai friends have a way to tell if I am starving and when one of their dishes arrives, and mine is still in process, they offer me a bite from their plate. In Thai culture, eating is a "shared experience". It took me a couple of trips to become comfortable sharing food from our individual plates. But after a while, it became one of the most endearing aspects of Thai culture.

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