Saturday, January 24, 2009

Having problems with the telephone

For the past few days when I try to dial out from my apartment I hear a busy signal. Finally tonight I called the front desk. I was told "You can't use the Internet and the Telephone at the same time" Honestly, I was at a loss for words. Did this person think I was stupid? Maybe he didn't know the technology himself. I'll give him that. Meanwhile a couple of men showed up at my apartment and tried to get the phone to work and failed. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. They will call the "Engineer". I felt 'satisfied' simply by the title "Engineer". Now I feel stupid again.

I share this only to point out - when you pick up the receiver, hear a dial tone, dial the number and hear a voice at the other end - consider yourself lucky. I can't do that right now and it bothers me.

My lesson for today: What is so important that I have to talk to someone RIGHT NOW?

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