Saturday, May 16, 2009

A first - I was hit by a car

Ok, now that I have your attention... no I was not knocked to the ground but it did scare me and made me think about how dangerous it is to walk the sidewalks of Bangkok (see previous postings). The rainy season started early this year. Usually it does not begin until June. But it is here now. This just adds to the difficulty because Bangkok is below sea level. Walking the sidewalks of Bangkok is a challenge, but where there are streams of water running on the sidewalks (which are built extra high due to floods) and streams running in the streets one has even less options where to place their next step.

Food vendors line both sides of the sidewalk, and motorcycles ride up the middle so often times people have to step into the street to proceed their way. And that is what I did. I looked both ways before stepping onto a dry part of the street to navigate past a food cart. Next thing I know my right arm is swinging up in the air. A side mirror of a fast moving car caught me. I had little time to think. I know the driver heard this hit. I could from the outside of the car. Had I the presence of mind I would have pounded the side of the car once I gained control again.

It took me off balance but I didn't fall, nor is there a bruise. But a shock. Pedestrians do not necessary have the same right of way as they do in the states. Well, they may, but the drivers don't always care.

The gentle Thai nature goes out the window when they get behind the wheel.

1:45 AM Saturday and I'm wide awake. I hate this part of the trip. Timezone adjustment. Oh well. I can always practice my Thai. And today marks the begining of my Thai Cooking Classes at BaiPai Thai Cooking School. I hope to complete all courses and return with a Certificate suitable for framing.


  1. I love the blog. The bathroom pictures crack me up and I also enjoyed your travelogue on the way to Bangkok.

    When you learn to cook, could you please find some food that I can eat -- namely NOT HOT!


  2. ".... when you learn to cook...." Oye vey
